

Dr. Arielle Baskin-Sommers (pronouns: she/her/hers) is a licensed clinical psychologist and Associate Professor (with tenure) at Yale University. She received her Sc.B. from Brown University (2007), a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (2013), and completed her pre-doctoral internship and fellowship at McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School. Her work focuses on identifying and specifying the cognitive, emotional, and environmental mechanisms that contribute to disinhibited behavior (e.g., substance use, criminal activity, aggression).  She uses a wide range of techniques and technologies to explore this topic. Overall, her professional career goals are based on a desire to develop both innovative theory and research in service of increasing the efficacy of clinical intervention for disinhibited behaviors. 


Office: 100 College St, #1427

Curriculum Vitae

Post-Docs and Graduate Students

Brendan Lam (pronouns: he/him/his) received his B.A. in psychology from Queen’s University. Prior to his graduate studies, he was a post-baccalaureate Research Assistant at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, where he worked with Dr. Shannon Scratch studying acquired brain injury. Brendan is interested in the causes behind antisocial behaviors and externalizing psychopathology. He aims to do this by integrating multiple levels of analysis (e.g., environmental, cognitive, and neural data), and through the application and development of quantitative methods.

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Jivesh Ramduny received his BEng from Nanyang Technological University and his PhD in Psychology from Trinity College Dublin. Jiv’s research focuses on improving the robustness and reproducibility of functional connectivity measures derived from fMRI paradigms (e.g., resting-state, movie-watching) in neurodevelopmental and psychiatric conditions. His work employs conventional and advanced functional connectivity techniques to facilitate the detection of brain-behaviour relationships in both community-based samples and large-scale datasets.

Curriculum Vitae

Jordyn Ricard (pronouns: she/her/hers) received her B.S. in Human Development and Psychological Services from Northwestern University in 2020. Prior to her graduate studies, she worked as a post-baccalaureate research assistant in Dr. Matthew Nock’s lab where she studied the relationship between early adversity and suicide risk. Jordyn is interested in investigating the development of aggression, delinquency, and substance use among Black youth and young adults from low-income and minoritized communities.

Curriculum Vitae

May Conley completed her B.A. in Environmental Studies and Psychology at the University of Montana. May’s research examines environmental influences on neurocognitive development and mental health. She is particularly interested in utilizing multicontextual, multilevel, and multioutcome approaches to identify risk and protective factors that can inform clinical practice and policy. May is co-advised with BJ Casey. 


Curriculum Vitae

Sonia Ruiz (pronouns: she/her/hers) received her B.S. in Psychology from Yale University in 2019. Prior to her graduate studies, she worked as a post-baccalaureate IRTA in Dr. Daniel Pine’s Section on Development and Affective Neuroscience at the National Institute of Mental Health, where she studied threat learning and avoidance in youth. Sonia is interested in investigating cognitive and affective processes underlying why some individuals have difficulty learning from consequences.


Curriculum Vitae

Research Assistants: Post-bac Students and Staff

Anna Beloborodova (ABCD Staff;

Brooke Chernek (ABCD Staff;

Jennifer DiMuzio (ABCD Staff;

Mikayla Barber (ABCD Staff;

Nathan Skinner (MoD/ABCD Staff;

Zhuoran (Rick) Xiang (ABCD Staff;

Research Assistants: Undergraduate Students

Alex Williams, Silliman ‘25 (

Atticus Margulis-Ohnuma, Branford ‘25 (

Catherina Kiwanian, Pierson ’25 (

Charlotte Fink, Pierson ‘26 (

Dom Gearing, Silliman ‘26 (

Hunter Robbins, Silliman ‘27 (

Katya Pinchuk, Silliman ‘26  (

Lily Goren, Berkeley ‘27 (

Madelynn Huff, Davenport ‘27 (

Nick Townsend, Davenport ‘26 (

Norvin West, Timothy Dwight ’25 (