Become part of the MoD Squad!

postdoctoral fellows graduate students research assistants

How can I apply? 

To apply for any position, please send Professor Baskin-Sommers an email ( with your CV and a brief introduction (a paragraph in email is fine!) about your interests. The MoDLab will respond to your inquiry as soon as is possible—please be aware that we do get a large number of applications at certain times of the year. Your patience is greatly appreciated. 
The MoD lab is committed to creating a diverse environment. All qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status. The MoD lab also is committed to compliance with all fair employment practices.

Postdoctoral Fellows 

Note: Positions filled for 2023-2025.

MoDLab is looking for junior colleagues with great ideas and a passion for science. Please send a CV, cover letter, and three references to Professor Baskin-Sommers. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis; openings vary with current funding level. Candidates should possess strong technical abilities, including programming experience (e.g., MATLAB, EPrime, or other scripting languages), comfort with statistical analysis and analytic software (e.g. SPSS, R), and familiarity with psychophysiological data collection (EEG/ERP, startle, imaging).

Graduate Students

Note: Dr. Baskin-Sommers will consider candidates for 2025 admissions! 
Dr. Baskin-Sommers looks for students who have a clear interest in the topics researched in the lab and who have documented experience with some (but not all) of the methods (e.g., self-report questionnaires, clinical interviews, neuroimaging, EEG) and tools (e.g., R, SPSS, Matlab) used in the lab. It is essential that there is a clear match between the applicant and Dr. Baskin-Sommers’ program of research. The MoD lab studies environmental and cognitive-affective bases of antisocial behavior. If you are generally interested in crime or interested in becoming a forensic psychologist, this lab is not the best fit for you.
Prior to submitting an application: Prospective students are encouraged to contact Professor Baskin-Sommers by email, preferably in September or October prior to the December application deadline. Please provide a brief statement of your research interests in the email and attach a CV. Dr. Baskin-Sommers will not schedule calls, provide feedback, or answer specific questions in advance of reading all applications. The MoD lab wesbite is continously updated and Dr. Baskin-Sommers works with each student to carve out a program of research that fits with their interests and the goals of the lab. Once all applications are submitted, Dr. Baskin-Sommers will reach out to select applicants to setup an intial converstation. 
Advice for the application materials: Applicants will be asked to provide a personal statement. The personal statement should detail the applicant’s intellectual experiences to date, research interests (which can be different than questions the applicant has researched so far), how those interests fit with the goals of the MoD Lab, and the applicant’s career goals. The personal statement also can be a place where the applicant discusses challenging life circumstances. There is no one type of person or background that the MoD lab is looking for, so the applicant should mention information that they think Dr. Baskin-Sommers should know. It is important, though, that the statement clearly address the applicant’s intellectual and research experiences and goals. Successful applicants have been able to express clear interests in the personal statement, demonstrate in their statement a specific curiosity about a research question, have documented experience with methods we commonly use in the lab (e.g., imaging, EEG, clinical interviews, or statistical model), and have analyzed data in some way during their previous research experience. Additionally, applicants will be asked to have three letter writers provide recommendations. Be sure to ask people who can provide specific details about experience, intellectual potential, and interpersonal style. Finally, at this time, the GREs are not required. It will not help or hurt and applicant if this information is included with the materials.  
Please refer to the Department website for detailed information on requirements and deadlines ( 

Research Assistants 

MoDLab is always looking for intelligent and motivated research assistants. Research assistants in the MoDLab can learn how to conduct psychophysiological research (startle, ERP, imaging), diagnostic interviewing, and complete research in accordance with human subjects protections. We also often have research assistant positions through the ABCD Study
  • Post-bacc (note: positions filled for 2024-2025): It is expected that post-bac research assistants commit to the lab or ABCD Study for two years. A fellowship stipend with health and dental benefits will be provided. 
  • Undergraduate (note: positions fill for 2024): It is expected that undergraduate research assistants commit to the lab for two semesters, work approximately 10 hours per week, and attend the weekly lab meeting. Undergraduate students can work in the lab for credit during the semester and apply for funding to work in the lab during the summer (note: we do not accept undergraduate assistants for summer months only, the two semester commitment extends into the academic year)